It's time your your Tax & Risk Physical

When is the last time your tax professional came to you with ideas to save you serious money on your taxes? Most tax people build a business around filling in boxes but we think you can do better. That process starts with our Tax & Risk Physical.

Your Tax & Risk Physical is the financial version of your annual check-up.  Just like your doctor needs to ask you many questions and conduct a thorough physical examination at your annual check-up, we have a process where we analyze your situation with a holistic examination of your legal, financial, and tax strategies.

Improving your life begins with identifying areas for improvement.  Your Tax & Risk Physical will reveal items in your life that are either currently wasting your money or could be a reason for disaster down the road. This diagnosis will allow you to make informed decisions for you and your loved ones moving forward. At your annual check-ups your doctor might suggest something as simple as less sodium and more steps in your day or may need to run labs to determine the true nature of a problem area. Your Tax & Risk Physical operates the same way.

The fee for a Tax & Risk Physical is $500. It is important to understand that we view the Tax & Risk Physical as a professional review of your current situation and not a sales opportunity. There are many tax people, attorneys, and financial professionals who will be glad to give your information a cursory glance in exchange for an opportunity to bring you into their business. You can be comfortable knowing that the Tax & Risk Physical is a professional appointment, not a sales meeting.

The Tax & Risk Physical will end with the identification of things you can adjust to improve your financial health without any bias that is inherent in trying to sell a particular product or solution. No financial products will be proposed as part of your Tax &Risk Physical. We will answer your questions, identify problem areas, and discuss possible ways to move forward.

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This website is for informational purposes only. Ayers Rock Planning, Inc does not render or offer to render personalized financial advice or investment advice through this website. The purpose of this website is to provide general information about Ayers Rock’s services. Ayers Rock, by promulgating this website, is in no way soliciting or offering to sell securities, life insurance products, financial advice, or investment advice or advisory services.

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